The ITS Connection Online: Q&A

The ITS Connection

Do you have a question you've always wanted to ask about computers? Now you can with our free Have a Question? Get an Answer! service! We have sorted previously published answers by category for your convenience.

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Published Article
May 2007How can I back up my Outlook Express or Outlook e-mail?
Q1 2001Should I archive my files on floppy disk?
Q4 1999Does it matter where I store my backup tapes?
April 2008Where can I recycle old PCs and monitors?
January 2007Is integrated video compatible with Windows Vista?
Q2 2003Are USB and FireWire the same?
Q2 2001My CD-RW is marked "12x10x32x." what does that mean?
Q2 2001Why does my PC lose time?
Q2 2001My CD-ROM is marked "52x." What does that mean?
Q3 1999Can I add a bigger hard drive to my computer?
Q2 1999How much RAM do I need for Windows 98?
Q1 1998Why does my PC make a buzzing noise?
February 2008Why did Microsoft remove the menus from Internet Explorer 7?
August 2007When I try to e-mail a file by right-clicking it or using the menu option within Word, I am prompted to create a "profile," or the wrong e-mail program appears. Why?
September 2005When I retrieve new e-mail where is it stored?
May 2005Why can't I send e-mail using Outlook Express? Why do messages get stuck in my Outbox?
January 2005Why are name servers important to my domain name and e-mail?
January 2005What is a name server?
October 2004Why does my computer suddenly seem very slow, especially on the Internet, and occasionally lose time?
October 2004Why is my wireless connection so slow and intermittent?
Q2 2004What is "phishing?"
Q3 2003Can I connect non-PC devices such as my iMac or game console to a DSL or cable modem?
Q4 2002How can I avoid the hassle every time I change my e-mail address?
Q4 2002Does it matter which ISP I use?
Q2 2002I use AOL; why do images on web pages sometimes look funny?
Q1 2002Which is better, a cable modem or DSL?
Q1 2002What does broadband mean?
Q1 2001Why are phone and network jacks typically installed upside down?
Q1 2001What is spam?
Q1 2001How can I check my e-mail when I'm on the road?
Q1 2001Why do some web sites start with something besides "www"?
Q3 2000Why doesn't Outlook Express notify me when I receive new e-mail?
Q3 2000Can I protect myself against e-mail viruses?
Q2 2000How fast does e-mail arrive?
Q2 1999Will a hotel phone line damage my laptop?
Q4 1998Can I share one phone line with two modems in two PCs?
January 2008Do I need special insurance for my home computers?
January 2008How long will Microsoft support Windows XP?
April 2008How can I access the File menu in Vista and Office 2007?
August 2007I bought a PC with Windows Vista Home Premium; can I upgrade to Vista Business?
May 2007Are there any pitfalls to renewing Norton AntiVirus?
January 2007Now that daylight savings time will start three weeks earlier in 2007, will my computer's clock adjust?
August 2006What Are ITS�s Favorite Web Sites?
May 2006What is the difference between Windows Update and Microsoft Update?
May 2006In Windows Update, what is the difference between Express and Custom mode?
May 2006Why should I run LiveUpdate myself if it checks automatically?
September 2005Can I turn off the balloon popups telling me new updates are ready?
September 2005Should I install the updates Microsoft keeps telling me are ready to download?
October 2004When geeks talk about a program or dialog box "having focus" what do they mean?
Q3 2004What is "open source" software?
Q1 2004When I run ScanDisk and Defrag on my computer,why do they keep restarting and never finish?
Q1 2004Is there a quicker way to copy and paste text instead of using the Edit menu?
Q2 2003Can I connect Macintosh computers to my Windows network?
Q3 2002Are there any more problems like "Y2K" coming up?
Q3 2002Why does my new USB device not work?
Q2 2002ScanDisk reported a lost cluster on my hard drive, is that bad?
Q1 2002Is WinZip free?
Q4 2001What is the difference between the two slashes (/, \) computers use?
Q2 2000What should I do if an application I am using locks up?
Q1 2000Can I write off the cost of my home computer for tax purposes?
Q3 1999Can I obtain back issues of The ITS Connection?
Q3 1998What is ITS' normal response time?
Q2 1998What do I need to do when my company moves to a new office?
February 2008How should I charge my new UPS?
Q2 2004Why does my UPS beep sometimes?
Q3 2003After the recent severe storms we had to power off some equipment to reset it. Can we avoid this?
Q3 2002Should I plug other electrical items into my surge protector/noise filter?
Q4 2000How can I tell if my UPS still works?
Q4 2000Why do you not recommend cheap surge protectors?
Q1 2000Should I turn my PC off every night?
Q4 1999What should I do when the power goes out?
Q4 1998Can I use an extension cord for my surge protector?
October 2006Are screen savers necessary?
October 2006What is the best way to clean my dusty monitor screen?
Q1 2003What is monitor "resolution?"
Q1 1998What is the proper way to adjust my monitor?