Web Site Design
ITS will help give your company a presence on the Internet! We can design a web site for your
company to reach your target customer. Your site can incorporate your existing public image (such
as brochures and catalogs) or we can work together to develop a new online image. For example,
ITS can assist with scanning and editing images, animating graphics, or creating online forms to
generate customer feedback or orders. We can implement online web applications and e-commerce sites. We also have business partners that specialize in graphic
design, who can custom-design images and artwork for your web site.
When designing a web site, it is important to give the site a cohesive design, with a well-organized structure to make it easy for users to navigate. Anyone can copy "fancy" new features off another web site, but a skilled designer will maintain compatibility with accessibility standards, older browsers, and devices such as phones and handheld computers. Our site is HTML 4.01 and CSS compliant.
ITS can even assist with the initial design and organization of a site, and your staff can take over routine maintenance and updates! Our designs and hosting plans are compatible with Macromedia Dreamweaver/Contribute and other standard design tools.
Site Maintenance
We can help with any ongoing maintenance and updates to your web site. If your web site already exists but you would like ITS to host it, we can help transfer the site content, as well as make any coding changes required by the transfer.