Building On Internet Island

a Fable for the New Millennium

Last issue we introduced you to a magical island, located not so far away, called Internet Island. On Internet Island there are beautiful houses, fabulous shopping malls, museums, art galleries, libraries, a wide variety of entertainment-and an almost unlimited potential for future development.

Because of the climate, beauty and attractions on Internet Island, a large tourism industry caters to those who wish to visit. In addition, a large real estate development industry has emerged to accommodate those who want to build a permanent place of their own on the Island.

The fable of Internet Island is told in two parts, a guide to visiting, and a guide to building on the island. The first part of the fable appeared in our last issue, and can be found on our web site or obtained by calling your Internet Island Travel Agent.

Building On The Island

Now, as you might expect, some visitors want to have their own place on Internet Island. Again, new companies formed to meet these needs. Some of the steps involved in building are described below.

Reserving a Lot

Some people, although they know they eventually want to build on Internet Island, are not ready to start construction immediately. For them, a course of action may be to select and reserve an available address and, for a modest fee, purchase an option to buy the lot at a later time. This allows the future lot owner to reserve his or her address of choice today.

Buying a Lot

Some people, who want to start construction immediately, can select an available address and purchase their lot at the same time.

Registering the Address

Whether reserving or buying a lot, it will be necessary to register the address with the Internet Island Post Office each year. There is a separate, nominal fee for registration and the Post Office requires two years registration in advance. Registration ensures that no one else can use your address, and everyone will be able to find your lot.

Design and Construction

Once an address and lot are purchased, design and construction usually follows traditional courses of action:

  • Some, who have the necessary skills and time, will want to do everything themselves.
  • Some will want to take the time to learn the skills so they can do everything themselves.
  • Some will use a kit to quickly build on their new lot.
  • Some will hire architects and/or contractors to design and build their business facility.
  • Others will use a combination of the above resources and skills.

Using a Kit

Would-be lot owners may decide to use a pre-designed kit, instead of hiring an architect. These kits, themselves designed by professional architects, are easy to put together and require no knowledge of construction techniques.

Providing Directions

Of course, after your business 

facility is built, you will want to make it easy for visitors to find. This can be done by notifying each search service of your products, services and location. Or, provide the information to an "Information Broadcast Service" which specializes in getting your information to all the individual search services.

Booking a Reservation

If you are ready to visit Internet Island, or perhaps want to set up a lot of your own, we would be happy to serve as your Tour Guide. Stop by our address ( for a description of our services.

Reading the Language

Like many new phenomenon, the Island's new industries have spawned a language of their own. Here you can find a brief translation of common terms used on the Island:

Web server. 
(for example, ITS web hosting service).
Template-driven web site design tool.
(ITS WebExpress).
Graphic designer.
(Creative Graphic Solutions).
(ITS, Inc.).
Post Office
Domain registrar.
Internet Island Address
Domain name, URL, web site, home page.
Information Broadcast Service
Search engine submission tool.
Search Service
Search engine, search site.
(Yahoo!, Excite!, AltaVista).
Tour Guide

January 2000

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