The Virtual Private Server configuration e-mail you receive from the Order Processing department contains your new Virtual Private Server configuration and login information. The information in this section includes server type (and services included), your activation date, the Virtual Private Server IP address, and temporary domain name.

A sample server configuration letter is shown below:

From: ITS, Inc.
Subject: New Virtual Private Server Account [account_id]

Your Name

Your account has been activated.

Until your domain name is processed by the NIC (Network Information Center) to point to your new account, you will need to use your IP number to access your account, or the temporary domain name we have set up for you. Once your domain name is processed by the NIC you may replace this number with your domain name.

In addition to your requested domain name, we have established a temporary domain name,, on our name servers for your use. You can use this domain until registration for your permanent domain is complete, but please be aware that even the temporary domain may not be available for approximately 24 hours.

Please take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with the account basics. This information will also be helpful when contacting Technical Support so please keep it for future reference.

Domain:      domain name
IP Address:  ip address
UserID:      account id
Password:    password
Server Host: server host
Server Plan: server plan
URL:         http://www.domain name or http://ip address
FTP:         ftp.domain name
iManager:    http://www.domain name/iManager/
Temp domain: temporary domain name

Your server is pre-configured for you with the following features:

HTML service
E-mail aliasing
XX MB disk space
Options: installation options


For account information or billing questions, please contact For help to begin using your Virtual Private Server, please see our online documentation:

You may also contact us via e-mail at or by calling 630-420-2550.

Thank you for your business and welcome to ITS Web Hosting!

Information in the Virtual Private Server configuration e-mail that you should pay particular attention to is explained below.

domain This is the domain name you selected to use as the primary domain name for your new Virtual Private Server.
ip address The IP address gives the precise Internet address of your Virtual Private Server. You will likely never need to use your IP address in part because the Domain Name System (DNS) handles mapping between host names (which we humans find convenient) and internet addresses (which computers deal with).
userid The user ID of this Virtual Private Server. This is the ID used internally to identify your account. You will use this as the login name to access your Virtual Private Server via FTP, telnet, or SSH. Detailed presentations about how to use FTP, telnet, or SSH to access your Virtual Private Server are given in other sections of the VPS Hosting Support section of our web site.
server host This is the name of the physical server which hosts your Virtual Private Server.
server plan This is the plan type of your Virtual Private Server.
url This is the way to view your web site in a browser.
ftp This is the address to access your Virtual Private Server using FTP.
imanager This is the address to access the iManager control panel on your Virtual Private Server. Detailed information about how to use iManager is given in other sections of the VPS Hosting Support section of our web site.
temporary domain name The temporary domain name can be used in place of domain name until such time that your domain name is registered. This is provided as a free service so that you can access your Virtual Private Server while you wait on the registration authority to register your domain name. The temporary domain name will only work for a period of a few weeks following the initialization and setup of your Virtual Private Server.

Please note: the information on this page applies to ITS web hosting plans. It may or may not apply to other environments. If you are looking for a feature described here, or better support from your hosting provider, please consider hosting your site with ITS!

1555 N Naperville/Wheaton Road, Suite 107
Naperville, IL 60563
phone 630.420.2550
fax 630.420.2771